Presented below is a list of common misspellings. The count indicates the number of Google hits for that word. These figures can only be considered rough estimates; no verification is done to see if the reference is a quote or a repeat.
There is no good way for counting the number of times a wrong but correctly spelled word is used (your/you're, accept/except), so those don't appear in the list. A good place to find descriptions for many of these is Paul Brians' Common Errors in English page.
You might also want to check out A Brave Little Mouse's It's its page which you might just find more depressing than amusing.
BTW, I think the fact that their are alot of wierd inacurate mispellings and rediculous grammer is definately an embaressment to the internet.
This page made possible by the Google Web API.Rank | Misspelling | Proper spelling | Count | % misspelled |
1 | momento | memento | 148000 / 206000 | 41.8% |
2 | dumbell | dumbbell | 29100 / 62600 | 31.7% |
3 | supercede | supersede | 64300 / 178000 | 26.5% |
4 | [un]managabl[-e/-bly] | [un]manageabl[-e/-ly] | 33500 / 135000 | 19.9% |
5 | amature/-uer | amateur | 1550000 / 6250000 | 19.9% |
6 | milleni/-a/-um | millenni/-a/-um | 304000 / 1230000 | 19.8% |
7 | masterbat/-e/-ion | masturbat/-e/-ion | 328000 / 1430000 | 18.7% |
8 | daquiri/daquari | daiquiri | 9020 / 39600 | 18.6% |
9 | alot | a lot | 1510000 / 7260000 | 17.2% |
10 | refridgerat/-er/-ion | refrigerat/-or/-ion | 131000 / 692000 | 15.9% |
11 | harrass/-ment | harass/-ment | 92400 / 524000 | 15% |
12 | frustrum | frustum | 2890 / 16900 | 14.6% |
13 | [Ant]artic | [Ant]arctic | 147000 / 939000 | 13.5% |
14 | expresso | espresso | 126000 / 816000 | 13.4% |
15 | mispell/-ed/-ing | misspell/-ed/-ing | 30700 / 200000 | 13.3% |
16 | accidently | accidentally | 131000 / 904000 | 12.7% |
17 | passtime/pasttime | pastime | 28300 / 222000 | 11.3% |
18 | flouri/-ne/-de | fluori/-ne/-de | 26200 / 237000 | 10% |
19 | rediculous/-ly | ridiculous/-ly | 50000 / 482000 | 9.4% |
20 | embaress/-ment | embarrass/-ment | 39200 / 386000 | 9.2% |
21 | manu[e]ver | maneuver | 40500 / 416000 | 8.9% |
22 | occurence/-ance | occurrence | 186000 / 1950000 | 8.7% |
23 | athiest | atheist | 19100 / 218000 | 8.1% |
24 | wierd | weird | 260000 / 3080000 | 7.8% |
25 | paraphenalia | paraphernalia | 15400 / 184000 | 7.7% |
26 | guage | gauge | 199000 / 2530000 | 7.3% |
27 | definate/-ly | definite/-ly | 297000 / 3830000 | 7.2% |
28 | grammer | grammar | 137000 / 1800000 | 7.1% |
29 | arithmatic[-al] | arithmetic[-al] | 10400 / 148000 | 6.6% |
30 | pronounciation | pronunciation | 40700 / 601000 | 6.3% |
31 | thier | their | 691000 / 11200000 | 5.8% |
32 | [in]dependant/-nce | [in]dependent | 241000 / 4000000 | 5.7% |
33 | calender | calendar | 352000 / 6330000 | 5.3% |
34 | recieve | receive | 404000 / 7740000 | 5% |
35 | nuptuals | nuptials | 2680 / 51400 | 5% |
36 | liason | liaison | 89400 / 2020000 | 4.2% |
37 | seperate/-ly | separate/-ly | 268000 / 6420000 | 4% |
38 | aquaint[-ance] | acquaint[-ance] | 14800 / 373000 | 3.8% |
39 | noone | no one | 213000 / 5580000 | 3.7% |
40 | convertable | convertible | 41800 / 1110000 | 3.6% |
41 | crucifiction | crucifixion | 7390 / 202000 | 3.5% |
42 | Tuscon (Arizona) | Tucson | 77900 / 2130000 | 3.5% |
43 | geneology | genealogy | 128000 / 3620000 | 3.4% |
44 | tounge | tongue | 112000 / 3320000 | 3.3% |
45 | playwrite | playwright | 7530 / 250000 | 2.9% |
46 | aquit[-tal] | acquit[-tal] | 3460 / 128000 | 2.6% |
47 | aquire | acquire | 64500 / 2960000 | 2.1% |
48 | plagarize | plagiarize | 2160 / 102000 | 2.1% |
49 | congradulations | congratulations | 40900 / 2090000 | 1.9% |
50 | concensus | consensus | 52100 / 2680000 | 1.9% |
51 | baloon | balloon | 25300 / 1400000 | 1.8% |
52 | Febuary | February | 117000 / 7190000 | 1.6% |
53 | acurate/-ly | accurate/-ly | 35000 / 2520000 | 1.4% |
54 | threshhold | threshold | 35100 / 2620000 | 1.3% |
55 | arguement | argument | 80500 / 6450000 | 1.2% |
56 | asterick | asterisk | 8490 / 700000 | 1.2% |
57 | kernal | kernel | 52600 / 4510000 | 1.2% |
58 | govener/governer/govenor | governor | 42000 / 3710000 | 1.1% |
59 | hipocracy | hypocrisy | 2080 / 306000 | 0.7% |
60 | complien[-t/-ce] | complian[-t/-ce] | 17700 / 3990000 | 0.4% |
61 | religeo[-n/-ous] | religio[-n/-us] | 15200 / 8170000 | 0.2% |
Rank | Misspelling | Proper spelling | Count | % misspelled |
1 | amature/-uer | amateur | 1550000 / 6250000 | 19.9% |
2 | alot | a lot | 1510000 / 7260000 | 17.2% |
3 | thier | their | 691000 / 11200000 | 5.8% |
4 | recieve | receive | 404000 / 7740000 | 5% |
5 | calender | calendar | 352000 / 6330000 | 5.3% |
6 | masterbat/-e/-ion | masturbat/-e/-ion | 328000 / 1430000 | 18.7% |
7 | milleni/-a/-um | millenni/-a/-um | 304000 / 1230000 | 19.8% |
8 | definate/-ly | definite/-ly | 297000 / 3830000 | 7.2% |
9 | seperate/-ly | separate/-ly | 268000 / 6420000 | 4% |
10 | wierd | weird | 260000 / 3080000 | 7.8% |
11 | [in]dependant/-nce | [in]dependent | 241000 / 4000000 | 5.7% |
12 | noone | no one | 213000 / 5580000 | 3.7% |
13 | guage | gauge | 199000 / 2530000 | 7.3% |
14 | occurence/-ance | occurrence | 186000 / 1950000 | 8.7% |
15 | momento | memento | 148000 / 206000 | 41.8% |
16 | [Ant]artic | [Ant]arctic | 147000 / 939000 | 13.5% |
17 | grammer | grammar | 137000 / 1800000 | 7.1% |
18 | accidently | accidentally | 131000 / 904000 | 12.7% |
19 | refridgerat/-er/-ion | refrigerat/-or/-ion | 131000 / 692000 | 15.9% |
20 | geneology | genealogy | 128000 / 3620000 | 3.4% |
21 | expresso | espresso | 126000 / 816000 | 13.4% |
22 | Febuary | February | 117000 / 7190000 | 1.6% |
23 | tounge | tongue | 112000 / 3320000 | 3.3% |
24 | harrass/-ment | harass/-ment | 92400 / 524000 | 15% |
25 | liason | liaison | 89400 / 2020000 | 4.2% |
26 | arguement | argument | 80500 / 6450000 | 1.2% |
27 | Tuscon (Arizona) | Tucson | 77900 / 2130000 | 3.5% |
28 | aquire | acquire | 64500 / 2960000 | 2.1% |
29 | supercede | supersede | 64300 / 178000 | 26.5% |
30 | kernal | kernel | 52600 / 4510000 | 1.2% |
31 | concensus | consensus | 52100 / 2680000 | 1.9% |
32 | rediculous/-ly | ridiculous/-ly | 50000 / 482000 | 9.4% |
33 | govener/governer/govenor | governor | 42000 / 3710000 | 1.1% |
34 | convertable | convertible | 41800 / 1110000 | 3.6% |
35 | congradulations | congratulations | 40900 / 2090000 | 1.9% |
36 | pronounciation | pronunciation | 40700 / 601000 | 6.3% |
37 | manu[e]ver | maneuver | 40500 / 416000 | 8.9% |
38 | embaress/-ment | embarrass/-ment | 39200 / 386000 | 9.2% |
39 | threshhold | threshold | 35100 / 2620000 | 1.3% |
40 | acurate/-ly | accurate/-ly | 35000 / 2520000 | 1.4% |
41 | [un]managabl[-e/-bly] | [un]manageabl[-e/-ly] | 33500 / 135000 | 19.9% |
42 | mispell/-ed/-ing | misspell/-ed/-ing | 30700 / 200000 | 13.3% |
43 | dumbell | dumbbell | 29100 / 62600 | 31.7% |
44 | passtime/pasttime | pastime | 28300 / 222000 | 11.3% |
45 | flouri/-ne/-de | fluori/-ne/-de | 26200 / 237000 | 10% |
46 | baloon | balloon | 25300 / 1400000 | 1.8% |
47 | athiest | atheist | 19100 / 218000 | 8.1% |
48 | complien[-t/-ce] | complian[-t/-ce] | 17700 / 3990000 | 0.4% |
49 | paraphenalia | paraphernalia | 15400 / 184000 | 7.7% |
50 | religeo[-n/-ous] | religio[-n/-us] | 15200 / 8170000 | 0.2% |
51 | aquaint[-ance] | acquaint[-ance] | 14800 / 373000 | 3.8% |
52 | arithmatic[-al] | arithmetic[-al] | 10400 / 148000 | 6.6% |
53 | daquiri/daquari | daiquiri | 9020 / 39600 | 18.6% |
54 | asterick | asterisk | 8490 / 700000 | 1.2% |
55 | playwrite | playwright | 7530 / 250000 | 2.9% |
56 | crucifiction | crucifixion | 7390 / 202000 | 3.5% |
57 | aquit[-tal] | acquit[-tal] | 3460 / 128000 | 2.6% |
58 | frustrum | frustum | 2890 / 16900 | 14.6% |
59 | nuptuals | nuptials | 2680 / 51400 | 5% |
60 | plagarize | plagiarize | 2160 / 102000 | 2.1% |
61 | hipocracy | hypocrisy | 2080 / 306000 | 0.7% |