Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Finally, I have a job offer. And, of course, it came on a week when I had two other interviews lined up after weeks of nothing. Why is life seemingly always feast or famine? Anyway, a job offer. And relatively close to home, I'll easily be able to get there on public transport so there is no immediate need for us to buy a car which is a huge financial relief. Who knows, we may hold out on the car for another 6 months or so. If we only need a car on the weekends it's cheaper to rent.
So, I'll be working with all types of people accessing disability services, aged 6 to death. Should be interesting, I'm used to the little ones so it will certainly be a change. And there should be lots of opportunity for professional growth. What I really want out of job is intellectual stimulation and learning opportunities, and I should have an abundance over the next few months as this position is fairly dynamic and everything will be totally new to me.
Hurray, a job!! Now we can buy a vacuum cleaner! (how sad am I to be excited about this?)
In other news, hopefully our things will arrive at our house next week. Things are definitely looking up.

Monday, December 06, 2004

One genius, two genius. Marjorie and I had a dinner table discussion the other day about musical genius in regards to bands. More specifically, which bands are based around one genius, and which have more than one? I guess what we were really talking about was songwriting genius more than the ability to play an instrument. We broke things up into categories, and had a lively little discussion. However, the opinions expressed here are mine, not hers. Solo artists can obviously only be single geniuses, and are not listed here.

Two geniuses. The rare confluence of talent that happens only once or twice in a lifetime. Only two bands here:
  • The Beatles
  • The Clash

    Two near geniuses that add up to more than one genius. Sometimes people can only achieve their best through working with others. This is not to damn these people with faint praise; genius is not a word to be thrown around lightly, and these each add up to more than one.
  • The Rolling Stones
  • REM
  • The Smiths
  • U2 (actually, a sum total of more than two, I suppose)

    One genius, one wannabe genius. Often times a genius will inspire another in the band to better things than they would otherwise achieve, but at the end of the day, there is only one:
  • The Pixies
  • Crowded House
  • XTC

    One genius.
  • Nirvana
  • The Who (lots of instrumental genius here though)
  • The White Stripes
  • Radiohead
  • Weezer
  • Many others

    Your mileage may, of course, vary. Afterward we had a ton of fun taking turns playing DJ while goofing around with the dog.
  • My three favorite job titles here in Australia:

  • "Spruiker" -- a salesperson who addresses passing members of the public from the door of a store, bar, or other establishment.

  • "Stevedore" -- One who is employed in the loading or unloading of ships.

  • "Removalist" -- Our office is moving to a new location, and the people that are going to clear out our office have this title. That'd be a cool job title to have.