Friday, June 12, 2009

My final exam in Graph Theory was this morning, in Melbourne's Royal Exhibition Building. I showed up to find an absolute throng of people waiting to get in. It turns out that they do group exams here - there must've been a thousand students, each of us assigned a desk among the rows and rows spread across the gigantic floor. The ceiling, too, is pretty pretty impressive.

So how would you heat such a large space? The answer is, you can't. Is was cold enough to see your breath. I took the exam wearing a thermal shirt, a hooded sweatshirt, and a leather jacket. And leather gloves, that I put on occasionally to warm up. I had to get up to pee three times in three hours.

I may have aced the exam - eight questions, and I only had to tapdance around half of one of them. We'll see.

Tonight my work had a social function where we hired the special viewing room at a local theater and watched "Terminator Salvation". Marjorie came along. We came up with the proper summation of it on the way home: the main point of the movie was how it is our humanity that sets us apart from the machine - so why was it so lacking in humanity? This one could've been filmed by Skynet.