Saturday, December 17, 2016


It's official, or at least closer to: we're going.  We've both put in notice at our jobs, and we have appointments at the UK consulate on Monday to get our visas.  (We won't know a date to fly over until we get the visas processed -- as the consulate is closed over Christmas, this could be variable.)  Since it's general knowledge now, I've restored all the earlier posts that I had hidden.

So now it's all about getting ready in earnest.  Today was mostly about listing things on Ebay and getting rid of junk.  I disassembled a dog house, an Ikea cabinet, a CD rack, and a wooden table.  Our trash can is full, and I'm taking a carload to the tip tomorrow.  I think we might have another load or two to follow.  It's a shame it takes moving to take care of this stuff, but being able to pare down excess stuff is a decided advantage of a big move like this.

We also took passport photos for the visa, which both look about as good as you'd expect.  Now we'll always remember how bedraggled we were on this day.