Sunday, February 21, 2021

Sick puppy

Hamish celebrated his ~11th birthday last Sunday. We spoiled him all week beforehand, making him better meals than usual (which is saying something because I cook for him anyway). On the actual day we took him on a long walk to Fen Ditton and gave him a lamb casserole dinner. He was smiley all day and seemed to be loving life. 

The next day however, he was very, very unwell. I woke up before 5am to the noise of Mark escorting Hamish outside after he'd already vomited repeatedly in the house. I was initially worried he might have an abdominal blockage because he ate an entire beef rib on Saturday (it was thinly cut, but I would normally not allow him to have the whole thing in one sitting and he ate the thing in less than 3 minutes so couldn't have chewed it much). I made an emergency vet appt for him and he spent the next 36 hours at the vet having blood tests and x-rays to try to figure out what was making him so unwell. Luckily he didn't have a blockage, and didn't require surgery, but his liver enzymes were elevated, and he was clearly very unwell. Best guess is that he ate something that made him unwell (he eats random crap when we go out on walkies so who knows what it was). The whole situation was incredibly upsetting and I spent most of Monday ugly crying in between work calls. 

He's home now and seems to be improving but he's still very picky about what he eats, which is not normal for our boy (he's a pig). The vet sent him home with sensitive stomach canned food, but he won't touch it so I've been making chicken rice for him. He's eating the chicken and keeping it down, which is reassuring. Day by day he seems to be improving and slowly getting back to his normal self. 

Long way to say it's been a stressful week, but things seem to be mostly okay now.