Friday, January 27, 2017

Settling in

So much to report.

  • We've arrived -- all of us, including Hamish.  As we hoped, and maybe expected, but were apprehensive about, Hamish got off the flight with an attitude like "That was weird.  Oh, hey guys!"  He seems to like it here; he's a bit hyper-vigilant on walks, I assume because the sights and smells are all new, but he's started giving us "zingers" (smiling looks at us, like "isn't this great?") during walks again.  And he's seen his first squirrel!  It was exciting for him, definitely, but I was a little worried that he'd become obsessed.  Luckily he was interested, but it was not much more of a reaction than he'd have for an Australian possum.
  • Job is going well so far, despite a bit of drifting since my boss being sick the last couple of days.  A lot less rigorous as far as process, which means we'll be getting a lot more done than my last job I think.  My second day there started with a new-starters breakfast with the CEO (some of the other "new-starters" have been waiting a year for this, so good timing for me).  He's an impressive guy -- Rhodes Scholar at Oxford with a PhD in physics, Canadian, but speaks fluent French and conversational Czech.
  • We're getting on fine in our furnished apartment; Marjorie's been taking care of all the financials and logistics, which is pretty much a full time job.  She deserves a break but feels the pressure of things that need to be done: primarily, now, finding us a place to live.  We need a car too.
  • Cambridge is really nice.  We're still trying to figure out neighborhoods neighbourhoods, but the one we're in (Chesterton) is very nice with a couple of nice pubs.  There doesn't seem to be a concentration of anything, anywhere though -- just random stores and restaurants stuck randomly in the middle of rows of homes.  It's like, houses, houses, houses, dry cleaner; houses, houses, houses, Bangladeshi restaurant.  You have to walk most places, which is okay (even in the cold) because it's charming and pretty.  We are gradually figuring out the buses and such though.