Friday, August 16, 2002

And still we wait.

What's a blog without some chatty office gossip? Let me tell you the tale of a cow orker I'd like to call Mr. Gullible. He apparently was raised in a home without sarcasm. Some recent examples:

1. I showed him this picture. His reaction: "Oh my God, they actually put that up on the highway sign?"

2. He mentioned that he lived over near a miniature golf course. I teased him, "Really? Is that why you moved there?" He took me totally seriously, and responded an emphatic "Noooooo" (much in the way Dawn Weiner responded in the cafeteria when asked if she was lesbian in Welcome To The Dollhouse. Saying "Nooooo" like this has become a catchphrase around the house).

3. Just yesterday I was asking someone else at lunch about who insures wedding rings. In the process I joked, "Of course, this means that Marjorie will find out I got her a diamonel." His response: "Oh my God, you actually got her one of those fake diamonds?"

I expect The Continuing Adventures of Mr. Gullible will become a regular feature, at least for a few more weeks....

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