Saturday, October 26, 2002

We went and saw Billy Bragg last night. It was a wonderful show, and of course, Billy was very riled up and ready to share his latest political agenda...Which leads to the explanation for NPWA, Billy's latest slogan which stands for No Power Without Accountability. A simple enough concept, and one this country was supposedly set up to maintain through a system of checks and balances...alas, lately we seem to be falling short. However, Billy's slogan was not meant directly for the U.S.A. , but more for the gross imbalance of power to the big businesses of the world (World Banks, Industrial monopolies and so forth) as compares with the average person, and in particular the IMF and the shear lack of accountablility this agency seems to possess considering the amount of power they wield. Like I said, it was a great show, and very thought provoking. The most surprising thing about the show to me were all the voices of dissension in the audience from seemingly right-wing minded individuals, I mean honestly, did they not expect the author of "Waiting for the great leap forward" to not talk about politics? Or were they shocked by his very leftist/Marxist idealogy? Had they ever listened to a Billy Bragg album before buying a ticket to his concert? One can only wonder. Beyond the politics though, I gotta say he sounded great. The show consisted mostly of Billy, alone with his guitar, though occasionally he was joined on-stage by Sir Ian McLagan, and the sonic quality of the show was full and beautiful. One of the better shows I've seen, overall. Billy's off to Florida now, to convince the people at his shows to not re-elect Jeb Bush...Although I can't imagine many Billy Bragg fans in Florida would have voted for Jeb anyway.
I suppose maybe Mark and I should make our own personal pleas to family and friends in Florida to please, please, please get out and vote this year and get that man out of office!

1. What is your favorite scary movie? Jaws, I love that movie.

2. What is your favorite Halloween treat? Hm.. so many yummy goodies to choose from, I like anything with chocolate, but that's an around the year kinda thing, so I'm going to pick candy corn, because I only eat candy corn around Halloween.

3. Do you dress up for Halloween? If so, describe your best Halloween costume. I usually dress up, though my costumes are usually less than spectacular. My best costume is probably the bear costume I wore last year, but we rented from a costume shop last year, so it's not like I put it together myself, which is a little like cheating.

4. Do you enjoy going to haunted houses or other spooky events? Yea, somewhat. I though the last haunted house I went to was at a fraternity house and it seemed to be an excuse for the guys to wear costumes (be anonymous) and molest co-eds. So it wasnt' really the best experience I've had.

5. Will you dress up for Halloween this year? yeah, probably. I'm actually supposed to go to a friend's house this evening to look at some old costumes of her's that maybe I could borrow.

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