Monday, June 30, 2003

I'm back! Back to the blog, back to Asia, back to the old apartment. At least for a few days. We are in the midst of moving and I am currently surrounded by piles of stuff, most of which is shoved into suitcases, preparing to be moved over to the new pad tonight (hopefully).
I'm lucky to have made it back when I did. I nearly missed my plane from L.A. to Hongkong, as I only realized that the ticket meant 1:55 am (not P.M.) at midnight after putting on my pajamas. Kristina (to whom I will be forever grateful) and I threw my bags into the Saab, then I followed her in the rental car rushing through the streets and hitting seemingly every red light in L.A.. I returned the rental car in record time then Kristina hightailed it over to Cathay Pacific where I just barely got a seat on the overbooked plane. It was a long and miserable flight (as always), but I was very reluctant to complain as I was lucky to be there at all. It's so unlike me to do something like that. I'm usually the type of person who's very early for a flight.
I'm looking forward to Sydney in spite of the fact that we did not really give ourselves the proper time to complete the move before we go. We can unpack when we get back. I'm sure we'll hit the aquarium and zoo so we can geek out on the animal stuff, but I'm also hoping we'll catch a few bands as original live music (as opposed to cover bands) is so scarce in S'pore.

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