Thursday, April 15, 2004

"These are the days it never rains but it pours." Mark's article (that he didn't usurp) has really resonated with me. It's so true, more choices don't make people happier. I see that very frequently in my job at USEIC where I advise future college students. They are never happy to have to choose from the hundreds/thousands of American colleges and universities, and even when they are excepted and the choice comes down to two or three, they often come into our office hoping we will decide for them. Frankly, I wish someone would do that for us now with regards to Australia. Of course I'd resent it if someone actually did butt in. Chances are where we end up will depend on where we get offered a job.
We've got some hard weeks ahead of us. We need to: Inform our landlord we'll be leaving (and pray she'll return our hefty deposit), find jobs or at least a job for Mark, figure out how to get the stuff that won't fit into our suitcases to Oz, plus the several other big/small tasks that go with any move such as utilities, banking, packing, wanting to die from stress. Then once we get there we'll have to find a place to live, arrange for our things in the USA to be shipped (which will most likely involve me going back to the States to arrange the move), and all the other big/small tasks in the reverse.
International moves are not easy, particularly when you're strapped for cash. But, this is what we want (we hope) for now. Hopefully, we'll be happier for the choice in the long run.
I'm guessing we'll be moving the first full week in July so anyone still hoping to visit us in Singapore has until the first week of June to come (we probably won't be able to handle any visitors after that).

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