Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Finally, I have a job offer. And, of course, it came on a week when I had two other interviews lined up after weeks of nothing. Why is life seemingly always feast or famine? Anyway, a job offer. And relatively close to home, I'll easily be able to get there on public transport so there is no immediate need for us to buy a car which is a huge financial relief. Who knows, we may hold out on the car for another 6 months or so. If we only need a car on the weekends it's cheaper to rent.
So, I'll be working with all types of people accessing disability services, aged 6 to death. Should be interesting, I'm used to the little ones so it will certainly be a change. And there should be lots of opportunity for professional growth. What I really want out of job is intellectual stimulation and learning opportunities, and I should have an abundance over the next few months as this position is fairly dynamic and everything will be totally new to me.
Hurray, a job!! Now we can buy a vacuum cleaner! (how sad am I to be excited about this?)
In other news, hopefully our things will arrive at our house next week. Things are definitely looking up.

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