Thursday, July 07, 2016


Oh it's hard.

The killer is, I've looked at so many jobs, that even if I were find a job tomorrow, it would still mean that 99% of my job-hunting effort was fruitless.  That's just how it works: you roll the dice until you hit Yahtzee.  But it also means that I'm pretty much as close as I was when I started.

In other news, we'll be casting the net wider.

1 comment:

robkc said...

Been there,
And not to be discouraging, just realistic, folks of a certain age (IMHO) have even more problems than entry level or even journeyman level folks. Tend to hear the terms 'Overqualified' and 'Not sure we could challenge you appropriately.' I always interpreted that second one as we aren't going to pay superstar wages when average will let us get by.
Anyway, good luck and Non Carborandum Illigitimati.