Sunday, December 04, 2016


Obviously we were disappointed by the election results.  I haven't even been able to write about it until now.

But it goes deeper than mere disappointment that my candidate lost.  I can only see it as the most grossly stupid thing that America has ever done.  I'm horrified at the result, and terrified for the future.  I find myself frequently just staring off into space, slowly shaking my head.

I can't get my head around how anyone could have voted for this blatantly dishonest, dangerously idiotic, horrifyingly sexist, substance-free huckster.  Whatever problems you might be experiencing, Donald Trump is NOT the solution.  I don't buy the "At least he's not Hillary" argument.  The Republicans had a whole host of candidates who were not Hillary.

I keep coming back to this chart, and coming away terrified that we elected a leader who thinks it's all a big hoax.

More than the national disgrace and international embarrassment.  More than the effects of his science- and reason-defying policies.  More than his already-demonstrated propensity for diplomatic blundering.  This result will echo down the centuries: America will always be remembered as the country that elected him.

Comments blocked on this post, because I want to keep liking the people that I like.

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