Thursday, December 05, 2002

I had been telling everyone that we are exactly twelve hours off from Eastern Standard Time here. Right now, because of Daylight Savings I guess, we're actually thirteen hours ahead. So if it's 8 pm there, it's 9 am the next day here. Just FYI.

Some other random observations:

  • I've ridden the bus more in the last week than I ever did in the states. They have a kick-ass subway system too that we've been taking a lot. And a ten-minute cab ride runs you only about USD$ 3.
  • This place must be the toe-stub capital of the world. Workers layout out sidewalks and architects designing houses seem to have no problem with leaving one- or two-inch rises or drops in the footpaths. I have no idea why that is.
  • There's a spotted-neck dove nesting just outside the window upstairs where we're staying.
  • For a week now I've had no idea what time it is, nor even what day it is. Nice way to live.
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