Tuesday, April 22, 2003

I miss the days of central air conditioning!!! We have two wall air-con units in our apartment, one of which is currently not working, the other which drips water constantly, but irregularly (all night long). We live in the tropics and air conditioning is not a luxury, it's a must. We've been miserable for the last few days. The repair guys here now, but as with all repairs we've experienced so far in Singapore, this will seemingly not be a quick fix. Sigh. We also have a light out in the kitchen that we've been unable to replace. We're too stupid to figure out how to get the old lightbulb out (in our defense it's broken and in a concave hole thingy so difficult to get to). Our apartment is falling to shit all around us. And it's too small. I'm ready to move.
Other than that, things are going well. I have three new students in my class now (up to 8 total), two of which don't speak English, but so far so good. The SARS paranoia (or is it just caution) has invaded the school. Each morning we have to meet the kids in the auditorium after they go through a line up with nurses checking them to make sure none of them are sick. The process takes forever so I've had to so up an hour early at work (with all the other teachers) every day this week which truly bites. So far I've been able to explain this process to the kids in a way that makes sense to them. I don't want to scare them, and we've been told by the administration that it's not our place to talk to the kids about SARS. Fair enough, but I wonder how they perceive all this mania.

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