Friday, August 06, 2004

Well! First interview, with Company 2, seemed to go okay. There was a stretch in the middle where the tech guy hammered me a little on proper design methodologies, of which my experience has been a little skimpy in regards to. But overall it seemed to be nice and friendly and I hope it works out. I'll know more on Monday.

The second interview, though, with Company 1 was a little more... interesting... The company, he said, didn't have a contract right now for me to work on, but if I would be willing to work on some in-house stuff for a few months, without pay, then they could start me working right now. To my credit, I didn't go "Ha!". I just explained that I couldn't. They promised to contact me if they get the contract that I can work on. But obviously, I have to wonder about a place like that.

In other news -- our mailed stuff from Singapore started arriving. Seven boxes today. So, we decided to rent a car for a few days, just to save the pain of lugging stuff. Honest, there were no ulterior motives.

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