Saturday, October 09, 2004

More language. Some other differences:

Entrée -- here, it means "appetizer" as opposed to main course. This is actually truer to the French meaning, I think.

Reckon, as "I reckon it's dinner time" -- actually this means the same thing back in the states, but it's considered more of a redneck term there. Here, everyone uses it. Except me; I can't bring myself to.

Fillet or filet -- this means the same thing too, but they pronounce it "fill-it" here, instead of "fil-ay".

Slab of beer -- means, a case of beer. I like this.

I also like the official country cheer at sporting events. America's is just "U.S.A.! U.S.A.!" which generally gets derisive laughs from other country's fans for its simple-mindedness. But Australia's is just so silly that it practically makes fun of itself: "Aussie Aussie Aussie! Oy Oy Oy!"

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