Saturday, December 25, 2010

Our Christmas

Woke up, exchanged presents, walked the dog. Marjorie started a pork roast with homemade mac-and-cheese. Per Christmas tradition, we exercised, to assuage a little of the guilt of gorging ourselves the rest of the day. Made a pitcher of blue curacao margaritas and had the pork roast, which was really, unbelievably good.

I put together Marjorie's Christmas present - a turntable that's capable of recording to USB - and we broke out our albums that we haven't heard in ten years or so (and argued a bit about whose were whose!). But it has stereo output cables and our only speakers are for the computer and only take a headphone jack. Tried to play it through the TV but it would only play really quietly -- needs some sort of amplification obviously. And the USB output (which is made to record to a memory stick) wouldn't work with my Linux-y memory stick. So we have to wait a little longer to hear our vinyl!

All week they were saying the weather was going to be nice. Then yesterday they changed it to "becoming cloudy". Still way off -- it was grey and cool all day, save for a half hour in the evening that we spent out watching the rainbow lorikeets in our neighbor's apricot tree. Nice day, altogether.

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