Tuesday, October 15, 2002

"First We Take Manhattan....."

Mark and I went to NYC this weekend. We had a great time, but I won't talk too much about it, as he's planning on posting a text page he's been writing over the weekend about the journey.

Highlights of the trip were seeing David Bowie (which I'll let Mark write about first or he'll hate me) and seeing my best friend Karen and her husband, It sucks having your best friend live several states away, but it's nice to be able to meet someplace like NYC when you get together.

Today we went to Ground Zero, which was a truly sobering experience. Maybe even more so than it might have been due to the recent terrorist attack in Bali.I tried to be a big girl about the experience, but found my eyes welling up as we walked along the borders of where the towers used to stand. Looking up at the void in the sky was especially hard for me. At one point a little girl, around 7 or 8, was bawling behind us and I couldn't help but wonder if she'd lost a family member in the attack. Overall, I'm glad we went, but it was difficult to be there.

I love New York. Everytime we go there I imagine what it would be like to live there. Mark would love it, but I think the constant overstimulation would get to me after awhile. I don't know, maybe if things don't work out for us in S'pore or Australia, we'll see if we can make it in New York.

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