Tuesday, November 05, 2002

For no reason whatsoever, here are five movies that I think are grossly underrated. Are they my five favorites? Quite possibly, but there are some more popular ones that would probably squeak into the list. In no particular order:
  • Remains of the Day -- IMHO, Anthony Hopkins gives the best acting performance by anyone, ever. A study in repression.
  • Rushmore -- Certainly my favorite of the last few years. Quote: "I saved Latin. What did you ever do?"
  • Welcome to the Dollhouse -- If you were raised outside the US and are curious to see what it's like to be an adolescent here, there is no more accurate depiction. I know a lot of people who can't watch it because it's too accurate and brings up painful memories.
  • The Thin Red Line -- A deeply psychological and philosophical war movie. This one leaves me in a fog for days after viewing it.
  • Fearless -- A disturbed and disturbing tour de force. Jeff Bridges' best work. Rosie Perez is even tolerable.

    While on the subject of movies, a pox on TBS for always hooking me in by showing those movies that you can watch over and over. The Shawschank Redemption, As Good As It Gets, The American President -- do they ever show anything else? And yet they hook me every time. If they were to add Groundhog Day and The Princess Bride I'd never be able to flip past that station. Not my favorite movies, but they suck you in...

    And while on the subject of TV, I'm giddy that The Larry Sanders Show is now on nightly on Bravo. I find that show just fascinating to watch.
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