Wednesday, December 18, 2002

Greetings from Hue'. We flew in relatively uneventfully today. Our head colds didn't give us the head-in-a-clamp effect they sometimes do when flying.

Only walked around a little bit. Nice weather here, and a less hectic pace, which is nice. We'll hit the Imperial City tomorrow. The thing we're most looking forward to, though, is clean laundry in the morning. Hooray! I'll spare you the gruesome details of the laundry situation. You have no idea.

In the gift section of the Hanoi airport today, amidst all the hooray-for-the-worker's-revolution books and others about Vietnam culture, I noticed a John Steinbeck book translated into Vietnamese. I had to ask the clerk for a translation of the title. He said, "The East of the Garden. No, The East of Heaven's Garden." Interesting.

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