Sunday, January 05, 2003

Mark and I have made some mistakes during this move. One of these mistakes was not setting up a bank account as soon as we arrived in S'pore. What can I say, this is a learning process and we've been under a lot of stress, and some important things have been neglected. So, anyway, now that we've found an apartment (maybe) we needed to put down a deposit and needed lots of money immediately. Enter Western Union and my father, who is wonderful and able to access our account from home.
So, my dad gets money from our account and wires it to us here in S'pore using Western Union. Thanks Dad, really, we appreciate all your help. That said Western Union sucks!!! They charge a fee for wiring the money, it's an outrageous fee, but its published upfront and that's not what I'm complaining about...what I'm complaining about is the crappy exchange rate they give you without giving you the option to pick up the money in the denomination sent (in this case USD). So, they STOLE about $50.USD from us, which is over $100. SGD by giving us a horrible exchange rate ($1USD = $1.707 SGD it should be $1 USD = $1.74 SGD). I've sent them an e-mail asking how they determine this crap rate and asking for my money back, but I don't there will be any recourse. They really are evil, you know? I mean most of the people that use their service are poor. And I imagine most people sending currency across borders are immigrant workers sending money home to their families (in the States perhaps mostly Mexican and other Hispanic workers, here in S'pore, probably mostly Indian laborers or Filipino maids sending money home) only to be charged on both ends by this corporate monster with no scruples. Bastards.
Aside from that I'm happy to be moving into our own place (fingers crossed, hope, hope, hope!!) soon. Living in someone else's house is hard. I don't mean to be ungrateful, but I don't feel at home here and it's a subtle little stress in our daily life. Our host has been wonderful though, and we are very fortunate to have somewhere so nice and spacious to stay.

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