Saturday, March 15, 2003

Globalization: I've got three more students now. One's moved here from Japan, she speaks Spanish, Japanese, and English (Mom's Mexican, Dad's Japanese). She's five years old and knows where/what the equator is too. The second one's from the States, by way of Jakarta. He's a smart kid, but has a hard time with games.....had a thirty minute crying fit today because he was losing at Candy Land...still, he knows a lot about animals, and he's moved more in his five years than many people move in their entire lives. The third student is also from the States, by way of Russia. Both his parents speak Russian at home, but he speaks English too.
I love the diversity of my students. I'm going to learn so much from them! And they're such bright kids...I'm really not used to "typical" kids. I'm a special ed. teacher by training. These "normal" kids seem totally brilliant to me.
Speaking of kids....Happy Birthday Katie!!!! A few days late, but it's not my fault, Blogger wouldn't let me sign in yesterday. Katie is my niece. She turned 1 on the 12th. It breaks my heart that I won't make it to her first birthday party. Hopefully I'll be able to see her at some point this year. At least she's got squeaky shoes to remind her and her mother of me!! (squeaky shoes are all the rage in S'pore for the 1-2yr old set, they squeak with every step, and I sent a pair to Katie).
Overall, things are going pretty well for us now. I'm happier now that I'm employed.

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