Sunday, June 08, 2003

Language In the short time we've been here we've adopted several Britishisms and a few Aussie phrases. Our favorite of late is "Daggy" which basically means bad taste or a person who doesn't give a s**t. The word is derived from "dag" which is the term for the poo stuck in the fur on a sheep's backside.
Other words we've been overheard using lately: "knackered" for tired or exhausted, "savouries" for salty snacks, "plaster" instead of band-aid, "capsicum" for bell pepper, "coriander" for cilantro....there are many others but it's hard to remember them all now.
On the flip side I will never be able to say "tomato" or "vase" the British (and conversely Singaporean) way. I recently went shopping for a vase and was corrected ("oh you mean....) by every shop person approached.

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