Saturday, September 28, 2002

The Friday Five are really boring again this week, so since it's my birthday I'm going to do what I want and answer five of the more interesting questions I found at another website

What languages do you know swear words in? Let's see, I know several dirty words in French, and a couple in German and Spanish. Soon hopefully I know swear words in Thai, Malay, Vietnamese, Mandarin, and more!

What famous person you really wish you could be friends with? Hhm, good question. There are several really. I think Nick Hornby (novelist) would be a really nice person, and I know we have some favorite musicians in common. Also, Suzanne Finnamore (also a novelist) I imagine would be really fun to hang out with. I'd also like to befriend is P.J. Harvey, she's so cool. Anyone too famous seems a bit intimidating, I mean it'd be great to hang out with Pete Townsend but I'd never really feel comfortable, I'd be too star-struck.

What makes you act the most evil? Again, good question. Probably intolerance and impatience. I can be really selfish at times.

How much does your mom know about your life? More then she wants to know I'm sure. My poor parents don't have the luxury of ignorance when it comes to all my early bad behavior, and present whims. Sorry guys. On the plus side, because my parents know so much about my life, we're really close. There aren't any secrets.

What music did you once love but can’t even listen to now? I used to like the Grateful Dead. Can't explain it now. Honestly, I wonder if I was brainwashed in college?

I was looking over the hundred things about Marjorie list recently and realized I should have added that I am the queen of run-on sentences. I never know where to use a period instead of a comma. Hope that's not too annoying to anybody out there. The irony is that I can edit other people's writing, just not my own apparently.

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