Friday, September 20, 2002

I just took the last pill of my oral typhoid hormone innoculation. This is the "live virus" stuff. It comes with warnings like "Do not chew! Swallow as quickly as possible!" Doesn't exactly give one a warm tummy feeling. In fact, if I start feeling a warm tummy feeling, THAT'S when I'll really start worrying.

Right now I'm listening to Mali Music, an album of music from the country of Mali compiled by and featuring Damon Albarn of Blur (and Gorillaz). Mali is a dream trip of mine, so I'd already listened to some stuff from there before this album ever came out. Malian music has a style unique from other African music, which I've been slowly learning to distinguish. The album is actually a crossover -- most of the tracks were written by Damon Albarn, though definitely in the Malian bent. I'm going to enjoy this.

For the real experience, you can actually listen to Malian radio on the net.

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