Saturday, September 14, 2002

It has occurred to me that there is a problem with this whole blog thing. Not with the blog-as-disposable-entertainment, which it's fine for, but more in the blog-as-personal-diary arena. I don't know about you, but I'm hoping someday to look back and read this thing as I would a personal journal written down on paper. The problem is, all the links we post here will eventually go bad. I mean, say I tell you that this is a cute site, and I really like this one and this one and this one, and I even submitted this and this and this. Ten years down the line, I'll have no idea what I was talking about, because the site I'm linking to will likely have gone tits up.

I'm not sure what the solution is. There's obviously a need to archive the pages, but you can't really rely on the Wayback Machine to get the page you linked to, especially if it's something ephemeral like a news story. A DIY archive mechanism is needed. But I don't want to link to my local copy until the original link goes bad, because I'd prefer to refer people to a dynamically changing site rather than my static archive.

There's a product idea in this, I suspect. Think, self, think...

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