Saturday, September 14, 2002

Friday! And I'm actually working this week, so I can almost appreciate Friday for all its implied freedom. Because it's Friday, I was going to do the "Friday Five" but the questions bored me (about school, what you liked and didn't) so I'm skipping it.
All in all a rather interesting week. Creepy, in lots of respects. Speaking of creepy, I did an assessment today in the filthiest house I've ever seen, really, no exaggeration, and I have a high gross-out factor. For those of you who care about what I do, I provide assessments to babies and toddlers from birth to 3 years old, in order to determine if, based on a standardized test, they are exhibiting any developmental delays in the following areas: communication, cognition, fine/gross motor, adaptive behavior, and social/emotional skills. Sometimes I go to people houses to do the assessment, today was one of those days, and this house was soooooooo gross! There were roaches everywhere, climbing all over the walls, furniture, and I imagined, me. Plus the little guy I was there to assess was only partially dressed running around in just a diaper, plus he didn't seem very fresh if you catch my drift. But lucky for me, he was really affectionate and wanted to climb all over my lap, give me hugs, the like. Poor fellow, it wasn't his fault he and his home were filthy. The mom there didn't even seem to notice the bugs....but she didn't seem very clued into much honestly. Ah the joys of working with the public! Honestly though, I love my job, and I've missed it lately so it's nice to be back at work even if it's only temporary. Anyone know of any Early Intervention jobs in Singapore or Australia? I'm a great employee! Sigh.
I've rescued Beau for the night. He's one of my parents dogs, and is currently in deep shit at home for raiding the garbage again. He'd been locked out of the house all day, restricted to the yard, which for him is serious punishment because he and his sister Sadie are extremely spoiled and have a doggie door so they can go in and out, and in and out, and in and out of the house all day at whim. He's so bad, but I love him. He's the smartest dog I've ever known, but he's lazy, a classic underachiever. His sister on the other hand is the classic type A dog personality. Even though she's almost 20 pounds lighter than Beau, she's the Alpha. Beau's a definite Beta dog 'cause he's such a slacker. Mark tolerates both the dogs, but doesn't exactly like them. I'm sure he'll be thrilled to see Beau's come for a visit ;^)

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