Friday, August 30, 2002


This is my second attempt at this blog, the first one somehow got erased. DOH!

How can I resist the survey? Hope it's not too boring to see it twice-different responses this time though!

Name the song that.....

Reminds you of an ex-friend:
Red Red Wine -- UB40

Reminds you of your childhood:
Maxwell's Silver Hammer -- The Beatles, my sister and I used to play Abbey Road constantly when I was in elementary school.

Makes you cry:
Dream # 9 -- John Lennon, such a beautiful song

Makes you laugh:
Eric the 1/2 a bee -- Monty Python

Makes you wanna dance:
Anything off Michael Jackson's "Off the Wall" album.

Reminds you of the one you want:
Like Mark, there are many. Two in particular are Waterloo Sunset by the Kinks & Into the sunset by Neil Finn

Reminds you of an ex-love:
Too many puppies -- Primus, reminds me of my college boyfriend, Dave.

Makes you very, very sleepy:
Moon River -- Johnny Mercer, this song always seemed like a lullaby to me.

You wish you wrote:
Hmm, tough one. How 'bout "I confess" by the English Beat. "I know I'm shouting, I like to shout" No wait, I think I changed my mind, I choose Rattlesnakes by Lloyd Cole "she says ohh it's so hard to love when love was your great disappointment" I love that line.

You wish had been written for you:
Oh my love -- John Lennon

Fills you with complete joy:
Ackee 123 -- The English Beat "it'll just get you laughing" and it does

You never want to hear again:
Anything by Led Zeppelin, The Eagles, The Doors, or any southern rock band.

You want to get married to:
Rainy Night In Soho -- The Pogues (which was one of our wedding songs)

You want played at your funeral:
I don't know. Really, no idea.

Makes you want to mosh/slam dance:
Orgasm Addict -- The Buzzcocks

Sums up your teenage years:
Not sure I understand the question, but the albums that most remind me of my teenage years are The Queen is Dead by the Smiths & Life's Rich Pageant by R.E.M.

You used to hate but now love:
Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys. I didn't get it, and then one day I really "heard" it, it was almost a life changing experience.

You like to wake up to:
Silence. And coffee.

You like out of your parents record collection:
The Beatles, Some Bob Dylan, Some Buddy Holly

Your parents like out of your collection:
I suspect my dad would approve of my Beach Boys and Beatles Cd's. My mom on the other hand, hmm, I really don't know.

You love that you wouldn't know about if it wasn't for a friend:
You know, I love the Strokes album, and I really resisted it because I thought there was too much hype around them, but my friend Karen made me listen and she was right, I love it.

You think of someone who died:
I have four friends who died in a car accident coming home from a Grateful Dead concert, and sometimes the Dead remind me of them.

You love the video more than the tune:
Hungry like the wolf -- Duran Duran

Reminds you of your first crush:
Sadly "Careless Whispers" by Wham.

You love which is from one of your favourite movies:
The valley girl soundtrack, the movie is a favourite BECAUSE of the soundtrack

Makes you think of the moon:
"How high the moon" not sure who wrote it, I know Chet Atkins recorded it.

Makes you think of sex:
Any Cocteau twins album.

Makes you think of being alone:
The Unforgettable fire by U2 is an album that (I think) is better for solitary listening.

You love to hear at clubs:
Hmm, it makes me happy to hear anything I like when I'm out.

I've been starved for new music lately, so today I treated myself to a few new treats. I came home with the Magnolia soundtrack (with Aimee Mann), All-Time Quarterback (with the frontman from Death Cab for Cutie), and the new Oasis album. Yes, I admit it, I like Oasis. Yes I know they're assholes, but it's a guilty pleasure.
I also bought two near pairs of geeky glasses. Go indie girl, go.

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