Saturday, August 31, 2002

I'm going to Fayetteville, AR today, without Mark, to meet my niece, Katie. She's 5 months old now, I should have met her ages ago, but between our schedule with the wedding and now the move, and my sister's initial reluctance to fly with Katie until she had her shots, this is the first opportunity I've had. I'm excited to see her and my sister and brother-in-law, but I hate to fly alone.
Mark is going to Florida this weekend to visit his parents and sister. He's flying too, which makes me doubly nervous.
For someone who enjoys traveling, and thereby flies relatively frequently, I'm a really nervous flyer. Maybe it's the loss of control, or maybe it's the thought of hurtling through the air (or towards the ground) at 1000 miles per hour that scares me. Rationally, I know anyone's chances of dying in a car crash or random accident are much greater then the probability of dying in a plane crash, but fear is often not a rational thing.
Wish us both safe flights and a safe return home.

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