Wednesday, August 28, 2002

I'm in love with a new album. It's "The Beginning Stages Of..." by The Polyphonic Spree. Categorically, it can only be described as "symphonic pop". The band consists of 26 people -- 15 instruments and a 11-person chorus. Why has no one thought of this before? Probably because the logistics make touring a nightmare. Anyway, I challenge anyone to listen to the song "Section 2" and not feel uplifted by the end. "Section6"/"Section 7", "Section 8", and "Section 3" are my next favorites (as you can see, they aren't big into giving their songs descriptive names). Hie thee to Kazaa and download some, then aroint and buy the record. (Mike, your mission, should you decide to accept it, is to go see them at the CMJ music festival and give me a report.)

There's two new Frank Black albums out. That makes me happy.

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