Thursday, September 05, 2002

I was just looking at the application form for immigrating to Australia, trying to straighten out the paperwork and get the process started and I realized that we both need to have our job skills assessed by the Australian powers that be.This means we need to tack on another 3 months (at least) to the all ready excruciatingly long migration process (9-12months)!!! AHH!!!! This is sooooo hard. I'm so ready to go, ANYWHERE. I've all ready quit my job (and gone back, sort of, I'm not working yet, supposed to happen this week, but...), we've sold a lot of our furniture, we've all ready got some of our stuff packed and boxes are spread all over the house, and we may not be going anywhere for 12 months!!! I know in the grand scheme of things this does not qualify as a "real" problem; we both have jobs, we have family and friends that care about us, we have jobs and money, but still it's a test of patience. It's like being at the start of a race, ready to run, with numerous false starts that exhaust you and deteriorate your confidence. Maybe I'm being overdramatic.

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